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April 2011 tour wrap up


We are back from our little tour. With only one show under our belt, it was great to pack three shows into one week. Our show at Monday Night Tease in Hollywood was amazing, we made lots of new friends, and we didn't have to carry all our crap! We headed up to Ventura where Bill Locey from The Ventura County Star did a great piece on us, and we were able to tour the town with our friend Dr. Shocker. We shared the bill with our friends The Howlin' Jupiters, which was comforting when we broke out the ukelele and glockenspiel at Billy O's Tavern! Good thing i'm a big guy. The crowd didn't know I cry myself to sleep. We had what they call in the touring business a "day off" and were able to see our friend Robert "El Vez to the rest of you" Lopez star in Teatro Zinzanni in San Francisco. I'll name drop him all damn day long. Amazing show. We will play shows in San Francisco in the next few months i'm sure. Then we were off to Oakland for another burlesque- themed show at Uptown. Awsome place, awsome people.

Touring at our age, granted we are still young, is a bit different than touring in your twenties. Statements such as "where are all the drugs" and "Its 2AM, where should we go now?" have been replaced with "Let me know if you see a Walgreens" and "i'm going to take a nap before bed". And if you're married to your bandmate, you talk less about "where the hotties are hangin'" and more about "I wonder what the cats are doing" and "let's make a grocery list!". At least the car doesn't smell like dudes.
  Playing burlesque shows with minimal equipment is great, but I never knew if I was allowed to go backstage with the ladies changing into costume. Out of respect I stayed away, but as a performer am I not entitled to share the dressing room? And should I be chastised because I entered the dressing room six times to make sure I didnt leave a coat in there? And in keeping in the rock n roll tradition of touring, we caused a little havok. The TV was always bolted down which made it difficult to toss it out the window, but trust me, we put drinks on tables sans coasters more times than you could imagine, and we got a bag full of hotel soap that would make Guns & Roses cringe!

Proof we were on the road

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    • Canada likes you.

    • I love you guys!!! Great job at The Monday Night Tease! See you around!!! FunnyEddie

    • Think i like joes version, Man thing i guess. Jay does sound great, to girly for me. Either way cool stuff !

    • I am singing all day this song .........it is catching and wonderful and happy love it...... It is funny too love kitten



    • love, love, LOVE the new song and the matching shirts!

    • Don't be shy! Come on and sign our guest book!

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